Daina + Porter’s Hypnobirth
Tuesday 17th August 12.30am, I woke up and noticed I had a ‘bloody show’, without letting myself get too excited (I’d been wanting her earthside for a good week prior), I said to myself-‘remember, people can have their ‘show’ a good week or even longer to the main event. I went on back to bed, and started getting period like cramps but on a small scale. I didn’t need any strategies here. These went on for an hour, so I thought ‘this may be for real’. I started timing them and they were regular, but at about 5-6 minutes apart. I didn’t sleep from then on and continued in the same fashion up until around about 5am when they begun to slow. I was a little bit annoyed by this because I know people who have had surges (contractions) for days! I got up, told Marty about it all and he excitedly said oh so it’s ‘go time’ then. I had to explain that this could go on for days. He went off to work.