Bec + Pia’s Positive Home Birth
I am so honoured to get to share Bec’s birth story with you. Bec and Aaron knew what they wanted really early and took charge of their pregnancy and birth from the get go. Bec had one concern with sharing her story, that it sounded too good and in some ways might not portray what birth is like for others. I reminded her that this is birth, that it comes in many forms and each and every birth is so different, and that you have every right to be incredibly proud and share how birth can be swift, calm, empowering and positive. It isn’t luck, it is because you invested time, energy and preparation. I know by sharing your story Bec you will help another couple. I was so hoping to get to see Bec in her power and support her and Aaron during birth, but baby Pia had her own plan. Heres their story…

Daina + Porter’s Hypnobirth
Tuesday 17th August 12.30am, I woke up and noticed I had a ‘bloody show’, without letting myself get too excited (I’d been wanting her earthside for a good week prior), I said to myself-‘remember, people can have their ‘show’ a good week or even longer to the main event. I went on back to bed, and started getting period like cramps but on a small scale. I didn’t need any strategies here. These went on for an hour, so I thought ‘this may be for real’. I started timing them and they were regular, but at about 5-6 minutes apart. I didn’t sleep from then on and continued in the same fashion up until around about 5am when they begun to slow. I was a little bit annoyed by this because I know people who have had surges (contractions) for days! I got up, told Marty about it all and he excitedly said oh so it’s ‘go time’ then. I had to explain that this could go on for days. He went off to work.