Matilda’s Birth Day
A beautifully crafted account of Matilda's birth by her māmā Kate, who narrated the story exactly as it unfolded. What a special letter to share and give to her; the story of her birth.
Initially envisioning a home birth, Kate meticulously planned and visualized the experience she had dreamed of. However, when circumstances shifted, her resilience and comprehensive understanding of the options available to her allowed her to adapt without losing her positive and empowering outlook. It was truly a pleasure to accompany Kate and Tom on their pregnancy journey.

Andi + Alfie’s Hypnobirth
I could feel the stages my body was moving through and found this comforting because I knew if I kept it up it wouldn’t take long. I kept focusing on all my affirmations, repeating them in my head - ‘my mind leads my body’, ‘the sensations are never too strong for me because they are me’. I used my surge breathing - visualising my uterus working just like it should be; strong, rhythmic, efficient. The back pain I was experiencing was unbearable at times but I had trained my mind to stay calm and just embrace each surge like a wave; coming and going.

Andi + Belle’s Hypnobirth
I went into labour on the 29th of November 2016 (4 days before my guess date) after experiencing 12 hours of pre labour. I managed to have a proper dinner and Michael and I got out for our typical evening walk before I thought “hmm these surges aren’t going away”. I hate to cry wolf, but after experiencing pre labour contractions I really doubted whether this was actually the real deal. So, from 7:30(ish) till 11:30pm I stayed at home with Michael and started to practice all my hypnobirthing strategies.